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Local Organizations

Maine Coalition to End Domestic Violence (MCEDV)

NextStep is a member of the Maine Coalition to End Domestic Violence (MCEDV), which seeks to create and encourage a social, political, and economic environment that fosters communities where the diversity, dignity, and contributions of all are respected and celebrated, and domestic abuse and violence no longer exist. Their site has information about domestic violence-related resources throughout the state of Maine. Click here to view their member map.

Wabanaki Women’s Coalition

The mission of the Wabanaki Women’s Coalition is to increase the capacity of tribal communities to respond to domestic and sexual violence, and influence tribal, national, and regional systems to increase awareness, safety, justice, and healing.


National Organizations

Futures Without Violence

Futures Without Violence is a health and social justice nonprofit with a mission to heal those who are traumatized by violence today – and to create healthy families and communities free of violence tomorrow. From domestic violence and child abuse, to bullying and sexual assault, their groundbreaking programs, policy development, and public action campaigns are designed to prevent and end violence against women and children around the world.


Loveisrespect strives to be a safe, inclusive space for young people to access information and get help in an environment that is designed specifically for them. Loveisrespect also mobilizes parents, educators, peers and survivors to proactively raise awareness on healthy dating behaviors and how to identify unhealthy and abusive patterns. Through trainings, toolkits, and curriculum, they are growing community educators and advocates to promote healthy relationships and prevent future patterns of abuse.

National Coalition Against Domestic Violence

The National Coalition Against Domestic Violence (NCADV)’s mission is to lead, mobilize and raise our voices to support efforts that demand a change of conditions that lead to domestic violence such as patriarchy, privilege, racism, sexism, and classism. They are dedicated to supporting survivors and holding offenders accountable and supporting advocates.

National Network to End Domestic Violence

The National Network to End Domestic Violence (NNEDV), a social change organization, is dedicated to creating a social, political, and economic environment in which violence against women no longer exists.


Reading Resources

No Visible Bruises

The book No Visible Bruises by Rachael Louise Snyder is an award-winning journalist's intimate investigation of the true scope of domestic violence, revealing how the roots of America's most pressing social crises are buried in abuse that happens behind closed doors. Through the stories of victims, perpetrators, law enforcement, and reform movements from across the country, Snyder explores the real roots of private violence, its far-reaching consequences for society, and what it will take to truly address it.

Check out our Young Adult Book List


Safety Planning

Managed by the Safety Net Project at NNEDV, discusses technology, privacy, and safety in the context of intimate partner violence, sexual assault, and violence against women.

App Considerations for Survivors (PDF)

Safety Planning for a Friend (PDF)

Technology Safety Plan (PDF)

Also, visit our Keep Safe Online page on this website.


If you are experiencing abuse or want to support someone who is, call our confidential 24/7 Helpline, 1–800–315–5579. 24/7 Línea telefónica de Ayuda – diga idioma para interprete.