1.     Listen without judgment.
2.     Model equality for your children.  
3.     Refer survivors to our 24/7 Helpline.
4.     Concerned about a friend? Call the helpline yourself.
5.     Visit our website: NextStepDVProject.org
6.     Remember, only the perpetrator is responsible for the abuse.
7.     Make sure your workplace has NextStep materials visible and available.
8.     Have NextStep assist with a DV policy for your workplace.
9.     Refuse to accept violence as “normal.”
10.   Practice nonviolent communication.
11.   Become a NextStep volunteer.
12.   Know that abusing someone is a choice.
13.   Make a financial donation to support our work.
14.   Check out #TakeActionMaine.
15.   Call 911 if you witness violence.
16.   Speak up for rights of survivors.
17.   Encourage your child’s school to invite NextStep to help educate youth about healthy relationships.
18.   Ask about becoming a NextStep Board Member.
19.   Share NextStep’s resources at your place of worship.
20.   Contact us about creating an awareness event.
21.   Contact us about sponsoring a fundraising event.
22.   Provide a survivor with a gas card.
23.   Provide childcare for a friend dealing with abuse.
24.   Strive for equality among all people.
25.   Speak out against oppression of all kinds, because all forms of oppression are linked.

 Bonus #26 – Follow NextStep on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter!


If you are experiencing abuse or want to support someone who is, call our confidential 24/7 Helpline, 1–800–315–5579. 24/7 Línea telefónica de Ayuda – diga idioma para interprete.