We provide education, training, and workshops at no cost to your group, organization, school, church, or workplace on a variety of topics to expand community awareness of domestic violence.

Knowledge is power. The more our neighbors understand domestic violence, the closer we will get to eliminate it in our communities. 

In the past, domestic violence was invisible and government did little to recognize abuse in our homes. An important part of our mission since 1993 is to raise community awareness about domestic violence in Washington and Hancock counties.

Our community education programs:

  • provide reliable, up-to-date information and resources on domestic violence in our region

  • shed light on the complex effects of domestic violence on individuals, children and communities

  • educate for signs of abuse in a relationship

  • bring awareness around cultural influences that perpetuate domestic violence

  • increase understanding of the challenges a victim might face in reaching out for help

Survivors, friends, neighbors, colleagues, and family members often feel powerless because they do not know where to turn for help, especially if they are fearful of involving police. We seek to change that through our free education programs. We provide presentations, seminars, and forums at no cost to your group, organization, school, church or workplace on a variety of topics to expand awareness of domestic violence.

Our trained staff often work with local businesses and nonprofit organizations to create and implement comprehensive awareness programs designed to address the ways in which domestic violence impacts the workplace, including the impact on employee’s productivity and the safety risk to onsite personnel and visitors. By having a dynamic domestic violence workplace policy in place, employers promote healthy relationships for employees and their families, and demonstrate both their commitment to supporting colleagues who are survivors of domestic violence and to disciplining batterers.

Our educators deliver workshops to healthcare and mental health professionals, law enforcement officials, educators, members of the clergy and other faith-based leaders, community organizations, corporations, and professional associations to:

  • Increase understanding about domestic violence among our community pillars

  • Define appropriate responses and ways to support the survivors of abuse in our lives

  • Emphasize the need to hold batterers accountable in order to end their abusive behaviors

If you are in Washington or Hancock County, our expert staff or trained volunteers may be available for outreach at your next local community gathering or festival, health and wellness fairs, campus events, etc. Our representation is often in collaboration with strategic partner agencies and local law enforcement in order to help us reach deeper into our communities and touch more people who need to know about our services.

We also offer age-appropriate youth education programs for pre-k through college and for youth programs to raise student awareness on what equality in friendships and relationships looks like and how we can create it, and to help them learn what abuse in friendships or relationships looks like and how they can get help if they need to.

Please call our helpline at 1-800-315-5579 if you would like us to deliver an education program for your organization or school.

Are you a survivor of intimate partner violence who wants to use your experience as a tool for social change? We hope you will contact us to explore how to use your story to help change perceptions and grow awareness about domestic abuse.


If you are experiencing abuse or want to support someone who is, call our confidential 24/7 Helpline, 1–800–315–5579. 24/7 Línea telefónica de Ayuda – diga idioma para interprete.