NextStep Staff mourns the loss of Deputy Luke Gross

NextStep Staff mourns the loss of Deputy Luke Gross, who was killed after being hit by a car while responding to an incident involving a vehicle off the road on Route 3 in Trenton on September 23, 2021.

Paralegal Maggie McArthur, who worked with Deputy Gross on many domestic violence cases, shared some of her experiences. “He was a deputy that I always felt comfortable reaching out to when I had concerns about someone. He had a good understanding of domestic violence and how things aren’t always how they appear. In my experience with him, he listened to both sides, and was respectful, but would not hesitate to say something or step in when he could see things going the wrong way.”

Legal Service Coordinator Lindsay Moon said, “Deputy Luke Gross was always a kind and cooperative officer whenever we reached out to him concerning a civil case. He was an ally and supportive of survivors of domestic violence in the community. He was willing to provide supervision for visits a survivor’s children were potentially going to have with a violent co-parent. He strongly advocated for her and her children, which shows how willing Luke was to go above and beyond his duties as a law enforcement officer. His loss is tragic, and he will be greatly missed by many.”

The staff, board, and volunteers of NextStep extend condolences to Deputy Gross’s family and friends, and to his colleagues at the Hancock County Sheriff’s Department.

For more information, the following article about Deputy Gross appeared in the Ellsworth American:

Photo courtesy of Hancock County Sheriff’s Office 


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