Sarah Becker, Attorney: "Our legal team is incredibly supportive and does much of the heavy lifting"

As the newest member of the legal team, attorney Sarah Becker joined NextStep after the COVID pandemic had already started. “My time with Next Step has been entirely in the vacuum of the pandemic so that’s all I know so far.  In terms of in-court representation, I have worked most often with clients as they pursue PFAs (Protection from Abuse orders).  While we are still very busy, Divorce and Parental Rights actions are moving slowly through the courts as a result of Covid-19 and I expect that we’ll see an even greater workload if and when things return to normal.”

 “Courts are operating in the safest way that they can but the result is that they have a limited capacity for in person hearings.  So, now there is a huge trailing list of folks waiting for their cases to be resolved,” Sarah said. “In my mind, Washington County seems to be moving a bit more quickly but I generally handle PFA’s, as well as a handful of Divorce and Parental Rights actions in both Washington and Hancock Counties”.  Some cases don’t require representation by an attorney. “Maggie, Lindsay, and Crystal help with court advocacy, safety planning, and they are wonderful in pointing survivors to the various community programs that can offer assistance,” she said. 

 Sarah’s past experience as an attorney prepared her for her job; however, she did not anticipate having all of the support that surrounds her at NextStep. “In my previous roles, I handled most of my administrative tasks - including filing. Our legal team is incredibly supportive and does much of the heavy lifting. It’s a huge relief and a blessing to have so much, good, comprehensive teamwork. The unity is terrific. If Rick is ever unavailable and I need assistance, I can talk to Lindsay or Maggie or Crystal and they get me pointed in the right direction.” she said. “My goal is to emulate Rick – his manners, character, and his commitment –it is a privilege and delight to work with him.” 

 One thing that surprised Sarah about working with Next Step is the amount of the time it might take to find a resolution. “When people are in trouble or need help, I’d like to help them get a resolution right away, and it doesn’t always move as quickly as we hope.  In my former career as a prosecutor I was accustomed to fast-paced solutions and dealing with a crime that had already happened.  In that case, the dangerous event is over and it’s a matter of dealing with the penalty.  Here at Next Step, our clients are often in the midst of an ongoing situation where they or their family’s safety is continually at risk. Here, depending on the case, from beginning to end, it could take months or years before the matter is resolved. As we help our clients navigate the court proceedings, we want to be certain that we are doing things correctly while also ensuring that our clients are as secure and safe as possible during the process.  There are so many moving pieces when it comes to domestic violence issues; more variables – we need to address them all.” 

 What Sarah values most about her position at NextStep, in addition to the good and meaningful work of helping people, is how her job allows her to be a positive role model for her two-year old son. “I want my son to see that my work helps our community to be a safer, more caring place, and I want him to grow up knowing what healthy relationships look like.” 


Susan Jonason